Item Number: 9-54880
Description: Perkins New 700 Series Engine
Language: English
Type: Service Manual
Model: 700
This workshop manual has been designed to provide
assistance in the service and overhaul of Perkins 700
Series engines.
Warning! Read and remember the "Safety
precautions". They are given for your protection
and must be used at all times.
The engines that are referred to in this manual are the
UA (3,0 litre - direct injection), and the UB (2,6 litre -
indirect injection). Both engines conform to Stage 1
off-highway emissions to Cl -8 mode cycle ref. ISO
8178 part. 4.
Where the information applies only to one engine
type, this will be indicated in the text.
When reference is made to the "left" or "right" side of
the engine, this is as seen from the flywheel end of the
Special tools have been made available and a list of
these tools is given in section 25. Reference to the
relevant special tools is also made at the beginning of
each operation.
Loctite recommended consumable products are listed
in section 10. Reference to the relevant consumable
products is made at the beginning of operation.
Data and dimensions are included at the end of each
Danger is indicated in the text by two methods:
Warning! This indicates that there is a possible
danger to the person.
Caution: This indicates that there is a possible
danger to the engine.
Note: Is used where the information is
important, but there is not a danger.